Degree 1st Year Result 2023 [Session 2020-21]
NU Degree 1st Year Result 2022 [Session 2020-21] The results of the National University Degree Pass and Certificate Course 2021 will be published in the afternoon of 2021 February 2021.

NU Degree 1st Year Results 2022
This year, the results of the 1st year degree pass and certificate course of the National University in 2021, the pass rate is 6.17%. A total of 3 lakh, 21 thousand and 947 hundred candidates (both regular and advanced students) participated in the NU Degree First Year Examination 2021. A total of 693 hundred test centers and a total of 1 thousand and 864 hundred college candidates participated in this test.
Online degree 1st year results
The easiest way to view degree results is to view results online. National University authorities now publish all results online. Click on the link below to get the results online.
- Now you need to select the course. Find it by clicking on the plus sign next to the degree name.
- Then click on the second year from the new menu that will come.
- Then a table will be loaded on the right. By default, individual results are selected there. There is no need to do anything else here. Then type the registration number in the box below. The year of the pass is 2020 days. Finally, after completing the curved text, click Search Results. Your results will appear shortly.
1st year results via SMS
You can also know the results of 1st year by sending SMS. To send SMS from your mobile now like the format below.
NU [space] DEG [space] roll no.
Example: NU DEG 6100756
In the return SMS, you will get your result.
The duration of National University degree pass and certificate courses is three years. Most of the students who want to graduate in a short time are admitted to the degree course. The test was for the 2021-2021 academic year, but as usual for the session jam, it also happened this year.